29 January 202532 views0 Comments
Amigurumi White Owl Free Pattern
Amigurumi White Owl Free Pattern

Amigurumi White Owl Free Pattern

Hello dear Amigurumi enthusiasts! Today I would like to share with you a free Amigurumi Bird pattern and construction instructions. Amigurumi has become a popular hobby in the world of craftsmanship, and in this article I will present you a great Amigurumi Bird design. Trust your imagination while doing amigurumi. And dare to create your own unique designs. Welcome to the Amigurumi world, enjoy fun handicraft projects.

• 3-4 strand yarn of a few colors in total of around 1.76 oz ( I used Yarnart jeans ).
• The owl’s chest can be detailed by an optional ( textured wire ).
• Hook.
• Sew 9 mm eyes.
• Fiber refunding.
• Tapestry needle.

( ms ) / ( sc ): greenhouse mesh
( bo ): popcorn point
( ml ) / ( ch ): Chainette, Air mesh
( MR ): Magic ring
( dim ) / ( dec ): decrease, decrease, decrease
( augm ) / ( inc ): increase
( M ) / ( st ): Point ( pt ) mesh
( FLO ): work only in the front loops
( BLO ): work only in rear loops
( d-br, dble.b ) / ( tr ): Double flange
( br ) / ( dc ): flange
( dB ) / ( hdc ): half flange
( mc ) / ( sl-st ): casting mesh, small mesh
( db / dbr ) ( dtr ): Double flange
( mct ) / ( tch ): chain meshes to rotate
( 3msm ) / ( sc3tog ): 3 ms in the same mesh
( F.o. ): Stop the wire.

Head, Body, Tail
Rnd 1. 6 ms in MR ( 6 )
Rnd 2. 6 augm ( 12 )
Rnd 3. ( 1ms, augm ) * 6 ( 18 )
Rnd 4. ( 2ms, augm ) * 6 ( 24 )
Rnd 5. ( 3ms, augm ) * 6 ( 30 )
Rnd 6. ( 4ms, augm ) * 6 ( 36 )
Rnd 7. ( 5ms, augm ) * 6 ( 42 )
Rnd 8. ( 6ms, augm ) * 6 ( 48 )
Rnd 9. ( 7ms, augm ) * 6 ( 54 )
Rnd 10-19. 54 ms ( 54 )
Rnd 20. ( 7ms, dim ) * 6 ( 48 )
Rnd 21. ( 6ms, dim ) * 6 ( 42 )
Rnd 22. ( 5ms, dim ) * 6 ( 36 )
Rnd 23. 36 ms
Rnd 24. ( 6ms, augm ) * 6 ( 42 )
Rnd 25. ( 7ms, augm ) * 6 ( 48 )

In turn 26, start forming a chest with another color using 3 ms of bobbler point.

I advise you to make one before the body and incorporate it into the work, while hooking the body.
Details are done in back and forth technique.
Channel 8.
Row 1. 7 ms
Row 2-5. pick in the back loop
Row 2. 4 ms, 3 dB, 4 ms
Row 3. 7 ms
Row 4. 4 ms, 3 dB, 4 ms
Row 5. 7 ms
1 chain and pick 4 ms on the shortest side of the tail. Finish, hide the thread from the beginning of the work under these 4 ms, and leave the thread from the end of the work until the attachment from tail to body. Once the body is finished, hide this wire inside the toy.

Rnd 26. 4 ms, bobbler, 43 ms ( 48 )
Rnd 27. ( 7ms, augm ) * 6 ( 54 ) 3 ms around the nope of the previous turn the nope colored thread (.
Rnd 28. 2 ms, bobbler, 3 ms, bobbler, 41 ms ( 54 )
Rnd 29. 54 ms ( 54 ) ( 7 ms around the nopes of the previous tower are the thread of the color of the nopes ).

Rnd 30. bobbler, 3 ms, bobbler, 3 ms, bobbler, 39 ms ( 54 )
Rnd 31. 54 ms ( 54 ) 11 ms around the nopes of the previous round are the thread of the color of the nopes (.
Rnd 32-36. gradually increase the triangle formed by the nopes on the chest. In total, it should increase to 6 nopes.

In turn 36 ( last turn with nopes ): pick in the tail in the middle of the back, hooking the 4 ms of the body and the 4 ms of the tail, accordingly.
Rnd 37. crochet with a single wire ( 7ms, dim ) * 6 ( 48 )
Rnd 38. ( 6ms, dim ) * 6 ( 42 )
Rnd 39. ( 5ms, dim ) * 6 ( 36 )
Rnd 40. ( 4ms, dim ) * 6 ( 30 )
From the next round, gradually fill the toy with fiber padding.
Rnd 41. ( 3ms, dim ) * 6 ( 24 )
Rnd 42. ( 2ms, dim ) * 6 ( 18 )
Rnd 43. ( 1ms, dim ) * 6 ( 12 )
Rnd 44. dim * 6 ( 6 )

Finish, hide the thread in the toy.

Rnd 1. 6 ms in MR ( 6 )
Rnd 2. 6 augm ( 12 )
Rnd 3. ( 1ms, augm ) * 6 ( 18 )
Rnd 4. ( 2ms, augm ) * 6 ( 24 )
Rnd 5. ( 3ms, augm ) * 6 ( 30 )
Rnd 6. ( 4ms, augm ) * 3, 4ms, ( 1dB, 1br, 1dB ) in the next ms, ( 4ms, augm ) * 2 ( 37 )

Make two details, assemble them against the other and attach to each other by a turn of ms and ( 1 dB, 1br, 1 dB ) in the 1br of the previous tower.

Rnd 1. 6 ms in MR ( 6 )
Rnd 2. 6 ms ( 6 )
Rnd 3. ( augm ) * 6 ( 12 )
Rnd 4. 12 ms ( 12 )
Finish, leave some thread to sew it to the body.

Rnd 1. 6 ms in MR ( 6 )
( Do not tighten too much, to make room for the ) button.
Rnd 2. ( augm ) * 6 ( 12 )
Change the color of the wire.
Rnd 3. ( 1ms, augm ) * 6 ( 18 )
Rnd 4. ( 2ms, augm ) * 6 ( 24 )
Rnd 5. ( 3ms, augm ) * 6 ( 30 )

The beak
Rnd 1. 5 ms in MR ( 5 )
Rnd 2. 1ms, augm, 1ms, augm, 1ms ( 7 )
Rnd 3. 7 ms
Rnd 4. 2ms, augm, 2ms, augm, 1ms ( 9 )
Finish leaving a little thread to sew it to the body.

The legs are made up of two cables.
Rnd 1. 6 ms in MR ( 6 )
Rnd 2-4. 6 ms
Finish one two, do another one the same way.
Rnd 5. 3 ms on a towing, 6 ms on another towing, 3 ms on the first towing ( 12 )
Rnd 6. ( 1ms, dim ) * 4 ( 8 )
Rnd 7-10. 8 ms
Rnd 11. ( 2ms, dim ) * 2 ( 6 )
Finish, leave some thread to sew it to the body.

Sew the wings, the eyes with buttons, the beak, the ears and the legs.
You can decorate the owl according to your tastes: with a scarf, a flower.
Or leave it as is. The owl is super cute anyway.

It's All Finished:

Amigurumi White Owl Free Pattern 1
Amigurumi White Owl Free Pattern 2
Amigurumi White Owl Free Pattern 3
Amigurumi White Owl Free Pattern 4
Amigurumi White Owl Free Pattern 5
Amigurumi White Owl Free Pattern 6
Amigurumi White Owl Free Pattern 7
Amigurumi White Owl Free Pattern 8
Amigurumi White Owl Free Pattern 9